Over the last 6 months we have been working alongside acclaimed portrait photographer: Pete Millson. Through this 6 month long process Pete has been hosting workshops and discussions around his photography practice and how we can enhance ours.
For the majority of us, this project was the first time we focussed on taking portraits - so it has been a really new, unknown and experimental process for the most of us.
We are now at the stage where we have chosen our portraits for print and will be soon exhibiting them in Outpost [see the event here]. Pete challenged us to take portraits that demonstrated an understanding of light, geometry and colour. As well as displaying an understanding of the skill and technique we have learnt through our workshops with Pete we decided to focus specifically on Portland residents with the aims to highlight the amount of talent, craft and business the island hosts.

As you may have seen we are running a Crowdfunding campaign to help us raise some money to print extra photographs of our Portland community for our exhibition (23rd Jan - 27th Jan).
Any extra money that is raised, that doesn't get spent on print costs, will go towards developing this project and its reach beyond Portland. The money will help us pay professional photographers to mentor us through the process of exhibition and reaching venues to host our work (as well as helping us develop our photography skills and technique).
To donate click here.
We really want to enhance the visibility of the talent, craft and business the island hosts.
